
A travel blog

Saturday, May 13, 2006


We landed in Maputo a few days ago and have been enjoying it so much there has not been any time to express it! Tons of energy, great architecture, a big bustling city with stylish people, lots of sidewalk cafes, friendly folks, music, dancing and street culture of all kinds. We are coming home at night tired like after a full day in NYC - from lots of walking and all the stimulation.

Maputo wedding

All of the street names are after revolutionary figures (we are staying at a backpacker's lodge that is at the intersection of Avenidas Mao Tse Tung and Vladimir Lenine). Except for the fact that the lodge currently seems to be trying to break the Guinness world record for how many consecutive times Bob Marley's LEGEND album can be played, it is a pretty good place with an open air kitchen so we can cook a little during our stay. We actually OD'ed on clams yesterday that we bought seaside (Maputo is a large port city with a nice coastline). We like it so much here we'll stay for 10 days so we can really get to know the place & not feel so rushed.

Maputo tile mural
More later on specific trip is almost done, but Hung is threatening to take over the blog after I leave. stay tuned...


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